Sunday, February 20, 2011

Clarity about Lead Generation, Or: What Not To Do

Here's a secret about the vast majority of companies peddling some brand of lead generation software: these tools are, at best, a marginal improvement from a system that is costly and ineffective.

And no, this post is not an attempt to shamelessly bash competitors or promote E.D.I.E., Vinroma's innovative brand of artificial intelligence, at the expense of facts or logic. Concerning the former, the numerous competitors that vie for the attention of sales professionals, I will not "name names," cite specific companies that can do better. Suffice to say, the industry as a whole needs to change. About the latter, the value E.D.I.E. provides, I stand by my previous assertions: this software transforms the way executives identify and build long-term relationships with prospective clients.

My point is, however, a larger one. Inspired by an article about lead generation, which is available on Google News (again: I will not name names), the piece rehashes the same blather. "Be your brand" and "Know your audience." A revealation! If you parse that column, it is obvious that the defenders of the status quo must now resort to using marketing boilerplate - Be your brand! - as opposed to developed technological solutions that give clients the information they need.

E.D.I.E. marks a radical shift in a different direction, a means of improving the way executives communicate with potential clients. No more mass emails to the wrong people. No more ineffective language. No more status quo!

Let's continue this conversation by rethinking the premise of lead generation. Let's start with high standards and candid admissions. Let's start with E.D.I.E.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

E.D.I.E. Is The New Standard of Success

As readers of this blog know, I believe E.D.I.E. is an incredibly powerful - and effective - brand of lead generation technology. But do yourself a favor: take a moment to learn more about E.D.I.E. by clicking here.

The information on that page is extensive and easy to understand. Three words: E.D.I.E. changes everything.

Friday, February 4, 2011

E.D.I.E. = Excellence for Sales Professionals Nationwide

The history of artificial intelligence is a case study in personalized technology. That is, artificial intelligence (or "AI") is about advancements in human ingenuity: the more creative we are in the design of computers and software, the more responsive these tools will be in our daily lives. There is no better commercial example of this point - the way artificial intelligence can transform a company's success and empower individual executives - than E.D.I.E.

In our testing, and great technology starts with constant refinement and feedback from users, E.D.I.E. is a symbol of the hard work of Vinroma's talented professionals. By more effectively engaging prospective clients - and through its humane approach to communication - E.D.I.E. underscores that most fundamental rule of business: that success is the result of trust, accuracy and relevant correspondence. In other words: give people the information they need. Period.

As E.D.I.E. assumes its rightful place as a critical and commercial hit, we should welcome the arrival of a new era in the use of artificial intelligence as a business tool. For the storied future of smart computing and business leadership is no longer a quaint idea; it is, in fact, a reality.

E.D.I.E. brings the future to our present.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Standing Up by Standing Apart: Building Credibility

As more news stories expose the severity of the economic recession, there is an upside to these otherwise depressing articles: the renewed importance of quality service and effective communication. Basic principles, yes, but concepts that, alas, are all too often missing from successful client relationships and prospecting for new customers.

In fact, the very existence of Vinroma is a testament to the importance of transforming the way executives identify potential clients. Under the current system many businesses approach lead generation like a form of mass canvassing: target as many people as possible, regardless of importance or accuracy, and, by virtue of the large number of individuals contacted, results will ensue. The problem with this model, aside from its exorbitant cost and incredible inefficiency, is that it alienates the majority of people who should not be on these sales lists. Put a different way, to catch two fish you must not poison the entire lake.

So why the emphasis on superior lead generation and intelligent conversation? The answer is simple: people demand it -- and they are right to ask for it. And Vinroma is the first company to pioneer a brand of technology that makes this process (communicating with prospective clients) smart and convenient.

More importantly, Vinroma is a pioneer of a different sort: a moral pioneer. That is, Vinroma is a leader that encourages businesses to make respect - for itself and the public - a priority. Call it Standing Up by Standing Apart. That's the Vinroma way.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Future Is Here!

Prepare yourself for big news from Vinroma. And yes, this post is a teaser. We're about to revolutionize technology.

The future is here!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Lessons from the International Consumer Electronics Show

One of the highlights of attending or reading about the International Consumer Electronics (CES) Show, held annually in Las Vegas, is the excitement about products that will legitimately transform an industry or a way of life. This year, the emphasis is on smarter technology: devices or applications that can redefine the way consumers and businesses communicate with each other.

Based on reports from friends and colleagues at the show, companies recognize the necessity of creating an experience that is informative and interactive. Translation: give people what they want.

Reading those words, I come back to Vinroma and draw a powerful conclusion -- we are ahead of the news! That is, Vinroma's very existence is about revolutionizing the way business communication occurs between executives and prospective clients. So hearing the news from CES, the validation is there: the ideas behind Vinroma are mainstream. Look for Vinroma to be a model of technological transformation and business success.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Personalized Sales: The Vinroma Philosophy

In this economy, trust is a necessity. I know: emphasizing the importance of personal integrity should not be a major revelation, but without this mainstay we will never properly emerge from this recession. And yes, this topic may be a constant on this blog, but the point deserves our steadfast attention because too many companies view "trust" as a luxury, as an indulgence that can easily be overlooked in pursuit of profits. Please.

Which brings me to Vinroma and its founding principles -- the belief that trust starts with customized, transparent communication. Translation: talk to people with respect and sincerity, with an interest in providing valuable information that is easy to access and understand. Again, this point is anything but radical. Strike that. This point is radical because, with the exception of Vinorma and its dedication to transforming the way executives identify and reach prospective clients, other companies continue to ignore the necessity of trust.

Reduce this argument to a maxim, and the message is undeniable: "Success has many fathers, but failure has one origin: the destruction of trust." Let us safeguard trust.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Trust = Loyalty and Growth: A Plan for Success

If there is a recipe for success, a plan all businesses can easily identify and follow, it is this: trust is the foundation of everything, from personal relationships to professional achievements. This point has special currency for cultivating potential customers, since that give-and-take between an executive and a prospective client depends on trust: without it - and by "it," I mean the sincerity of communication and the type of correspondence people value - then success is virtually impossible.

As we begin 2011, let us remember this principle because trust is a virtue we must cherish and promote. Indeed, trust is the cornerstone of this blog. May we all enjoy good health and success in this new year.