Sunday, January 16, 2011

Standing Up by Standing Apart: Building Credibility

As more news stories expose the severity of the economic recession, there is an upside to these otherwise depressing articles: the renewed importance of quality service and effective communication. Basic principles, yes, but concepts that, alas, are all too often missing from successful client relationships and prospecting for new customers.

In fact, the very existence of Vinroma is a testament to the importance of transforming the way executives identify potential clients. Under the current system many businesses approach lead generation like a form of mass canvassing: target as many people as possible, regardless of importance or accuracy, and, by virtue of the large number of individuals contacted, results will ensue. The problem with this model, aside from its exorbitant cost and incredible inefficiency, is that it alienates the majority of people who should not be on these sales lists. Put a different way, to catch two fish you must not poison the entire lake.

So why the emphasis on superior lead generation and intelligent conversation? The answer is simple: people demand it -- and they are right to ask for it. And Vinroma is the first company to pioneer a brand of technology that makes this process (communicating with prospective clients) smart and convenient.

More importantly, Vinroma is a pioneer of a different sort: a moral pioneer. That is, Vinroma is a leader that encourages businesses to make respect - for itself and the public - a priority. Call it Standing Up by Standing Apart. That's the Vinroma way.

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